
Innovative car door linkageMDA Press

Innovative Car Door Linkage

Austin Suh has designed this innovative car door linkage. He…
Jewelry BoxesMDA Press

Spherical Linkage Opening a Jewelry Box

Austin Suh has designed a variety of spherical linkages that…
Six-Oar TrimaranMDA Press

Swimming Robot

Jiaji Li has completed the design, fabrication and testing of…
Oar-Driven Unmanned Surface Vehicle

Oar-Driven Unmanned Surface Vehicle

This trimaran designed by Jiaji Li has three oars supported by…
Stegosaurus walkerMDA Press

Eight Legs, Two Motors and a Lot of Personality

Please take a look at the videos demonstrating these Robot Walkers. Our…
Jiaji Li's robotic rowboatMDA Press

Jiaji Li’s Robotic Rowboat

Jiaji Li has succeeded in building a prototype Robotic Rowboat.…
BYU Zoom LectureMDA Press

Quaternions in Kinematics: BYU Lecture

Students at BYU formed a study group advised by Prof. Denise…
Ruiqi Mao's Panda WalkerMDA Press

Ruiqi Mao’s Panda Walker

This Eight-Legged Walker with two stepper motor drives controlled…
Mini StarshipMDA Press

The Mini Starship Delivery Robot

Angelina Licos is a UCI engineering student who seems to have…
Micro water robot student project

2023 Southern California Robotics Symposium

UCI is hosting SCR 2023: On September 14 and 15 Robotics researchers…
15 Terrific WalkersMDA Press

15 Terrific Robot Walkers

This Spring quarter 60 students divided into 15 teams to design…
GNK Power DroidMDA

GNK Steerable Robot Walker

This walking robot was designed and built by Tom Nguyen, Jonathan…
Ken’s Tank Walker

Ken’s Tank Walker

This robot walker has two drive motors, one for each side. Four…
Ken’s Perry Walker

Ken’s Perry Walker

This is the latest walker design from Ken Nguyen. His designs…
A Walking Robot with Four Legs and Two Actuators

A Walking Robot with Four Legs and Two Actuators

This walking robot has four legs and only two actuators. Usually…
Fall 2022 MAE 245 Halloween Robots

Fall 2022 MAE 245 Halloween Robots

These Halloween robots were delivering candy at UCI on October…
Kinematics Lecture:  Curvature Theory and Walking Robots

Kinematics Lecture: Curvature Theory and Walking Robots

This lecture describes my approach to project-based learning…
Kinematics Lecture:  Design of a Linkage System to a Draw Curve

Kinematics Lecture: Design of a Linkage System to Draw a Curve

Kempe's Universality Theorem states that every algebraic curve…
Kinematics Lecture:  Six-bar and Eight-bar Linkage Synthesis

Kinematics Lecture: Six-bar and Eight-bar Linkage Synthesis

This is my lecture from the 2014 Kinematics Summer School organized…
Fall 2021 Mechanical Walker Designs

Fall 2021 Mechanical Walker Designs

This video presents the mechanical walker prototypes designed…
MechGen SP for iPad

MechGen Software Privacy Policy

McCarthy Design Associates has developed a variety of linkage…

Design of Mechanical Walking Robots

Now Available on Amazon In this book, we present the detailed…
Wing Mechanisms

Wing Mechanisms

Repurposing Jansen's Leg Mechanism: Innovative mechanical…
MDA Press

21st Century Kinematics: NSF Workshop

I am pleased to provide the presentations from the 2012 National…
The Bored RobotMDA

The Bored Robot: Controlling Two Drive Motors for a Walking Machine

Brandon Tsuge describes how to assemble the controller for…
Removing Redundant ConstraintsMDA Press

How to Fix SW Motion Analysis Error: Too Many Redundant Constraints

Kevin Chen,  J. Michael McCarthy,  Shaun Bentley The…
Six-Legged Mechanical Walkers:  Spring 2020 Highlights

Six-Legged Mechanical Walkers: Spring 2020 Highlights

The leg mechanisms of these six-legged walkers use two coordinated…
Prototype Four-Legged Mechanical Walker

Prototype Four-Legged Mechanical Walker

Kevin Chen and Arwa Tizani designed this four-legged mechanical…
Four-Legged Mechanical Walkers: Spring 2020 Highlights

Four-Legged Mechanical Walkers: Spring 2020 Highlights

The design of these four-legged walkers relies on Curvature theory…
Six-Legged Mechanical WalkerMDA

The Design of Mechanical Walkers: Spring 2020 Student Projects

While isolated to slow infections of the Coronavirus, over 60…
Fall 2019 Mechanical Walker Prototypes

Fall 2019 Mechanical Walker Prototypes

I was pleased to have an enthusiastic group of graduate students…
Walker Teams 2, 4 and 5MDA

Four-legged Mechanical Walkers: Teams 2, 4 and 5

Here are videos of the designs for the four legged mechanical…
Mechanical Walker designed by Team 6MDA

Four Legged Mechanical Walker: Teams 1, 3 and 6

Here are videos of the designs for the four legged mechanical…
Halloween Display 2019

Halloween Display 2019

This video shows how the linkage systems moving spooky decorations…
More Halloween Linkage Designs

More Halloween Linkage Designs

The Halloween decorations designed by project teams 4, 5 and…
Halloween Design Project

Halloween Design Project

Students in my MAE 245 Advanced Kinematic Synthesis class have…
Walker Group 6

Mechanical Walker Project Animations: Spring 2019

Here are the solid models of some of the walkers designed by…
Leg Mechanism for a Mechanical Walker

Leg Mechanism for a Mechanical Walker

This is an animation of the leg mechanism for a mechanical walker…
Leg MechanismJMM

Construction of a Leg Mechanism

This is a series of four videos that show how to: Specify…
Construction for Three-Position Synthesis of a Four-Bar Linkage

Construction for Three-Position Synthesis of a Four-Bar Linkage

The graphical construction of a four-bar function generator that…

Micro-linkages for Compliant Material

Material Unit Cell

Material Unit Cell

Lucas Shaw and Prof. Jonathan Hopkins show the micro-architecture of an actively compliant material. Micro-actuators within the unit cells of an assembly are coordinated to reshape the assembly as desired. This was presented as part of the 2015 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences in Boston, MA, August 2-5. The video below shows what this assembly can do.


Actuating Morphing Linkages

Target Profiles for Morphing Linkage

Target Profiles for Morphing Linkage

Lawrence Funke and Prof. James Schmiedeler of the University of Notre Dame Locomotion and Biomechanics Lab show that the movement of a morphing linkage through its target profiles can be improved by coordinating actuation of the sub-chains. This was presented at the Mechanisms and Robotics Conference which was part of the 2015 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, August 2-5, in Boston, MA. The video below shows the improvement obtained by moving from 1 to 3 coordinated actuators.

Rolling Robot at SUTD

Virgo 2 SUTD

Virgo 2 SUTD

A research team including Profs. GimSong Soh, Kristin Wood and Kevin Otto at Robotics Innovation Lab at the Singapore University of Technology and Design has developed a rolling robot about the size of a baseball. The design and motion planning of this robot, Virgo 2.0, was presented at the Mechanisms and Robotics Conference which was part of the 2015 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, August 2-5, in Boston, MA. A demonstration of the Virgo 2.0 moving through a figure eight path around obstacles is shown in the video below.

Interesting Planar Robot at Laval

Students of Prof. Clement Gosselin at the Laval University Robotics Laboratory demonstrate a four-degree of freedom planar robot. I particularly like the demonstration of its use as a gripper that does a cartwheel just for fun.

Tensegrity Robotics at UC Berkeley

Students in Prof. Alice Agogino’s Berkeley Emergent Space Technologies Laboratory, the BEST Lab, working on motion planning for their tensegrity robot.

Origami Art at BYU

Origami Art BYU

Origami Art BYU

Mechanical engineering students in Prof. Larry Howell’s Compliant Mechanisms Research Group designed and constructed this kinetic structure for the BYU Museum of Art. It illustrates paper folding known as origami.