Entries by Prof. McCarthy

21st Century Kinematics: NSF Workshop

I am pleased to provide the presentations from the 2012 National Science Foundation Workshop on 21st Century Kinematics. These presentations provide insight to the challenges and opportunities for research in mechanical systems and robotics. The NSF Workshop on 21st Century Kinematics at the 2012 ASME IDETC Conference in Chicago, IL on August 11-12, 2012 consisted […]

How to Fix SW Motion Analysis Error: Too Many Redundant Constraints

Kevin Chen,  J. Michael McCarthy,  Shaun Bentley The design and assembly of our four-legged mechanical walkers can yield single degree-of-freedom systems with so many redundant mates that it stalls SolidWorks’ Motion Analysis.  For example, the walker shown in Figure 1 had 782 redundant mates.   The procedure outlined below reduced the number of redundant mates […]

The Design of Mechanical Walkers: Spring 2020 Student Projects

While isolated to slow infections of the Coronavirus, over 60 UCI students learned how to apply the principles of Curvature Theory and Finite-Position Synthesis to the design leg mechanisms for mechanical walkers. Their first team project was a four-legged walker that used the coupler curve of a four-bar linkage positioned using a skew-pantograph as the […]

Construction of a Leg Mechanism

This is a series of four videos that show how to: Specify three positions for the foot of a leg consisting of a hip and knee joint; Use three position synthesis to design a four-bar function generator to guide the hip joint; Then use three position synthesis to design a second four-bar function generator to […]

LINCAGES and the History of Kinematic Synthesis

The linkage design software developed by Art Erdman and his students at the University of Minnesota, called LINCAGES: Linkage INteractive Computer Analysis and Graphically Enhanced Synthesis Package, was developed in 1977 through 2000. This is a link to his information site. His guide map that evaluates all of the linkages formed from points on the […]