Entries by Prof. McCarthy

Strider and TrotBot at DIYWalkers.com

Just after I published my book Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms with its emphasis on leg mechanisms, I found two more interesting eight-bar legs from the designers at DIYWalkers.com This is a Geogebra animation of the leg mechanism for the Strider walker. It is a symmetrical design that allows the formation of a second foot assembly […]

About Geogebra-Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms

The animated four-bar linkage FHJD is constructed using dimensions as the quadrilateral ABCD. The dynamic geometry software Geogebra maintains the dimensions of FHJD as the points of ABCD are moved. The result is that the animated linkage changes to match the new dimensions. This can be seen in following Movie.  For more information see Kinematic […]

Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms: A project based approach

This book is an introduction to the geometric theory used to design linkage systems that are critical components of machines ranging from vehicle suspensions to robot arms. The focus throughout is on graphical synthesis of linkages to control the movement of the legs for a walking machine. Select this link to see the Kindle Interactive […]

Chop Wood Carry Water by R. A. White

R. A. White is the author of Chop Wood Carry Water and Superluminal.  He often writes under the pseudonym R. W. Frost.  Here is his IMDB page.  He is a lecturer in the theater arts program at UCLA, and the director of the Toni Martini Variety Hour.