Entries by Prof. McCarthy

Los Alamitos HS race team to join 2012 EI3

The Los Alamitos HS race team has been invited to the 2012 Energy Invitational at Adams Motorsports Park based on an excellent performance at the Design Review at the 2012 Youth Expo. They will compete agains race teams from Tustin, Pacifica, Esperanza, Huntington Beach and Foothill High Schools.

Tustin HS and Pacific HS invited to 2012 EI3

High school race teams at Tustin High School and Pacifica High School have completed vehicles that they will enter in the 2012 Energy Invitational at Adams Motorsports Park. These vehicles were presented and reviewed at the 2012 Youth Expo at the Orange County Fairgrounds on April 13. As a result of their quality work these […]

Wikipedia and mechanisms and robotics

Type “mechanism” or “robotics” into google.com and the first items to appear are Wikipedia articles. In fact, chances are that any technical term in mechanisms and robotics, such as “machine,” “gear,” or “inverse kinematics,” will yield Wikipedia articles on the first page. Internet marketers work hard to achieve first page rankings in Google’s search algorithm […]

Mechanism Generator 3.0

Our Mechanism Generator 3.0 software reads a SolidWorks sketch of a planar 3R chain that reaches five task positions and computes a set of Watt 1 six-bar linkages that approximate movement through the task positions within specified tolerances. An animation previewer shows how each linkage moves. Select one and MechGen 3 generates a solid model […]