Tag Archive for: student projects

Design Research Dalian

Design Research in China: Dalian

Design Research Dalian

Design Research Dalian

This is the third of five videos highlighting design research across China.  This captures the beauty of Dalian, a city on the Yellow sea, and the excellent research in precision machine design by colleagues and their students at Dalian University of Technology.

Here is a link to this video on Youku for our colleagues in China:

Youku Dalian

Youku Dalian

Design Research Xian

Design Research in China: Xi’an

Design Research Xian

Design Research Xian

This video of our visit to Xi’an captures the beauty of the city and its surroundings, as well as the personality of the excellent professors and students at Xidian University.

For our colleagues in China, here is a link to a Youku version of this video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg2MzQ5NDI4MA==.html

Youku Xian Video

Youku Xian Video

Design Research Tianjin

Design Research in China: Tianjin

Design Research Tianjin

Design Research Tianjin

Chris McCarthy filmed and edited this video of our visit to Tianjin, which showcases the design research in mechanisms and robotics at Tianjin University and captures the energy and beauty of the city and its people.

For our colleagues in China this video is available on youku.com: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTgzMTIyMTg1Ng==.html

Youku Design Tianjin

Youku Design Tianjin

Kaustubh and Mark

Mark Plecnik, PhD and Kaustubh Sonawale, PhD

Kaustubh and Mark

Kaustubh and Mark

Mark Plecnik and Kaustubh Sonawale both successfully presented their dissertation defense this week. Their kinematics research has resulted new computational procedures that have made possible many new designs.

See Mark’s web page and Kaustubh’s web page for examples of interesting devices that are the result of their research.